Friday, April 7, 2017

The Proposal

Will you marry... My brother? 

I politely smiled and gracefully declined. I really liked David, a lot. We'd been having so much fun the last few weeks, but I wasn't ready to take that next step.

"Fred, that's so sweet. But I think we should wait till we are older." I sat on the grass tugging on my cream knee socks that were constantly pooling down around my ankles. "Fred" hopped up and ran around to the telephone pole. Out came David. I sat smiling. Thinking our relationship wouldn't change. I clicked my saddle shoes together while plucking dandelions from the dirt exposed through the balding grass. 

David sadly glanced at me, shoved his hands in his pockets, and went off to join a group of friends for the rest of recess. He never spoke to me again. And his "twin brother" Fred, never made an appearance again.

I watched him walk off into the mid-day sun feeling confused and disappointed that I ruined a friendship by being a sensible first grader.

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